4 Steps to Healthy Skin

All Posts, Sebameducation September 9

We all want healthy skin. We try and make our way to the gym (begrudgingly), eat well (most of the time, anyway), and get our eight hours (turn off the Netflix!). But often, living our healthiest life is easier said than done. Luckily, we can all make small lifestyle changes to keep our skin healthy! A good, healthy skin care routine and equally healthy habits are absolutely crucial to looking and feeling our best. Implementing these 4 tiny steps will boost your skin’s health and your overall health.

Reduce Stress By Getting Active

With all that we have going on, life can be pretty stressful. All of that pent-up stress can wreak havoc on your skin. When you’ve got a lot going on, your body releases hormones, such as cortisol, which increases the production of sebum, thus causing acne. To combat this, exercise regularly. Couple your workouts with other methods of de-stressing, such as breathing exercises or meditation, to help clear your mind when you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Eat Well

To ensure healthy skin, it’s also important to have a well-balanced diet. Shift your diet to low-fat proteins, vegetables, fruits and high fiber. If you find that you’re not getting enough nutrients from your food, we recommend taking supplements, such as Vitamin C. This antioxidant promotes collagen production and protects your body from the free radicals that cause premature aging. You will have glowing, healthy skin in no time!

Shower Smarter

Sometimes, there is nothing better than taking a long, hot shower at the end of a stressful, busy day. Sadly, those steaming showers you love deplete your skin’s natural oils. This means that your sensitive skin can become even more sensitive. The solution? Try a lukewarm shower. A slightly lower water temperature is still relaxing, but it won’t dry out your skin. We suggest keeping those showers between five and ten minutes long and applying a moisturizer as soon as you get out.

Protect Your Skin from Harmful Rays

Yes, we know that summer’s over, but that doesn’t mean that you’re in the clear when it comes to the sun’s rays. Even during the colder months, the sun can dry out your skin, causing premature aging, damage, and even melanoma. No matter the season, healthy skin should be your priority! Continue to apply sunscreen on your face and body. We also recommend taking it a step further and wearing layers, hats, and even a lip balm with SPF for UV protection. 

Sebamed-Healthy Skin


one Comment
  1. Hi Dayna! Unfortunately, we don’t sell sunscreen here, but if you’re looking for a good exfoliant for sensitive skin, we suggest trying our Extreme Dry Skin Repair Lotion with 10% Urea. Urea is a natural, gentle exfoliant, so it should work perfectly 🙂 Hope this helps!

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